
Short Film "Like Right Now" RELEASED

Along with The Legend Of Mindi , I also composed for another short film at the same time. This one is called Like Right Now , Directed by Russell Eresmas and Mindi herself Dianne Mahoney. The story tells of Martin, an average guy who learns an important lesson about the consequences of time travelling.


It was hard not to laugh during the recording process but eventually it all worked out and here is the final product! Hope you all enjoy my 80's party music!

For a more behind the scenes look at the film, visit the Storyhive page at:

"Elsa vs Zuko" - Soundtrack by Shawn XG - Now Available for Download!

The 2nd Episode of The Edge - "Elsa vs Zuko" made by Alpacalypse Productions is coming out soon! It was such a pleasure scoring for this awesome action packed episode! Expect more great things from Alpacalypse Productions in the future!

To commemorate its release, I am making the soundtrack used for this episode available for stream and download. Hope you'll enjoy!